Retention periods

The retention period controls how long generated PDFs (and the input data needed to generate them) are kept on our servers. It can be configured for each API key individually.

After the retention period, input data (document_content / document_url), the generated PDF, and the process log (the output from Prince) are deleted. We call this process “incineration”.

Metadata that is not incinerated:

  • Date and time of the request (as well as date and time of the incineration).
  • The API key in use, and if the request was synchronous or asynchronous.
  • The time it took to generate the PDF, and its file size.
  • The document name (see API option name). Therefore, make sure to not include sensitive information in the document name!

The default retention period is “as short as possible”: This means that:

  • For synchronous requests, incineration happens immediately after the API request has been completed.
  • For asynchronous requests, incineration happens as soon as the PDF has been downloaded once, but not later than 15 minutes after the initial API request. (Make sure to download the document in time.)

We recommend keeping the default retention period unless you need to debug the generation process.